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Thank you for visiting our website.
This is Diyafa’s owner Hide, and let me introduce you how Diyafa was born.

A friend of mine who is a tour guide told me a story once.
Sometime ago, his Muslim customers came to Japan. They enjoyed sightseeing throughout their stay, but couldn’t find anything Halal to eat.
After searching various restaurants, they ended up eating at the major chicken fast food restaurant during their stay.
I was so sad to hear that because I myself love traveling abroad, and when I do, I’d love to enjoy their delicious local food.

I’m hoping that I can provide an opportunity for all Muslim travelers to enjoy our delicious Japanese cuisine and make it a wonderful experience.
Hope to see you at our restaurant soon!



Introducing Authentic Halal Washoku in Japan! At Diyafa, we aspire to share the delightful experience of Sukiyaki with our Muslim guests, combining the essence of Japanese hospitality with the heart of washoku courses. ​​ 日本ではまだまだ少ないハラル和食! ムスリムのお客様に美味しいすき焼きを召し上がっていただきたいとの想いをお伝えするため、日本のおもてなしの心と共に、和食のコースをご堪能いただく料理屋です。

The store's commitment

Finest Halal Wagyu Beef We use the highest quality Halal Wagyu beef raised in Japan and slice it just before serving. we choose delicious seasonal beef from various places in Japan with whole selers. ​ Ingredients To guarantee a secure and wholesome dining experience for our Muslim guests, we exclusively use Halal-certified Wagyu, ingredients, and seasonings (such as soy sauce and miso etc.). All dishs are prepared with Halal ingredients, providing you with peace of mind. ​ Embracing Japanese Culture Immerse yourself in the spirit of Japanese culture. We offer hospitality with ukiyo-e murals and traditional tatami seating. We prepare Matcha right before your eyes,with dessert, allowing you to enjoy it in the comfort of your seat. ​ Hospitality Diyafa, our restaurant name, translates to "hospitality" in Arabic. We earnestly provide ingredients, cooking, and service, aiming to evoke feelings of safety, satisfaction, and enjoyment for our cherished guests. Join us at Diyafa for an exceptional dining experience where we continually strive to provide the highest level of hospitality. Your visit is an opportunity for us to extend our warmest hospitality and create wonderful memories together. ​ ​ 最高級のハラル和牛 日本で飼育された最高級のハラル和牛を仕入れ、召し上がる直前にスライスして​ご提供します。 ハラルl和牛は、問屋と連携して全国各地から季節ごとに一番美味しいものを選定しています。 ​ 食材と調味料 ムスリムのお客様に安心・安全な食事を召し上がって頂くために、Halal認証を受けた和牛や食材、 Halal認証済みの調味料(醤油、味噌など)のみを使用しています。 召し上がって頂く料理は全てHalalですので、安心してご堪能いただけます。 和を基調とした店内 日本を感じていただけるよう、浮世絵の壁画と座敷スタイルのお席をご用意しました。 食事の最後にデザートと共に、お客様の目の前でお抹茶を点てて、お召しあがりいただきます。 ​ おもてなし お客様が「安心・安全・美味しい」と心から感じて頂けるように、食材、調理、サービスを誠実に提供し、満足のいくひと時を過ごしていただけるよう、私たちは日々改善しています。 店名である「Diyafa」はアラビア語で「おもてなし」を意味します。 素敵なご縁でご来店されたお客様に、最上級の「おもてなし」をいたします。


LUNCH:  Monday - Friday  11:30am - 2:00pm 
DINNER:  Monday - Saturday  5:00pm - 9:00pm 

​Sun. and holidays are closed.


NO Bldg. 2F, 2-18-4 Shiba, Minato-ku,Tokyo, JAPAN



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